


李贝贝,男,1984年10生,博士,成人直播app-免费成人直播软件 教师。2012年毕业于南京理工大学仪器科学与技术专业,获工学博士学位。






1. 锥形阀芯附近空化泡力学作用效果研究,国家自然科学基金青年基金(51309221),2014.1-2016.12,主持

2. 液压阀内突变结构附近空化泡的力学效应及测试方法研究,国家博士后科学基金面上资助(2013M531421),2013.2-2015.2,主持

3. 液压节流阀内空化泡的力学效应及测试方法研究,成人直播app 青年科技基金(2013QNA22),2013.1-2015.12,主持

4. 水基液压节流阀阀口空蚀的测试方法研究,成人直播app 启航计划,2013.9-2015.8,主持

5. 液压流内空化泡的动力学行为及测试方法,成人直播app 人才引进项目,2013.1-2014.12,主持

6. 基于动态激光散斑方法的纳米流体中纳米颗粒状态和行为的光学表征,国家自然科学基金(60578015),2012-2015,参与。

7. 激光空泡发展机制、力学效应和光学测试方法,国家自然科学基金(60578015),2006.1-2008.12,参与。

8. 南京理工大学自主科研专项计划资助重大项目“×××”, NO.2010ZDJH09, 2010.1-2011.12,项目已结题,参与。


1. Li Bei-bei, Zhang Hong-chao, Lu Jian, et al. Experimental investigation of the

effect of ambient pressure on laser-induced bubble dynamics. Optics & Laser

Technology, 2011,43(8): 1499-1503.[SCI]

2. Bei-bei Li, Hongchao Zhang, Bing Han, Jian Lu. Numerical study of ambient

pressure for laser-induced bubble near a rigid boundary: Sci China-Phys Mech

Astron, 2012,55(7): 1291-1296. [SCI]

3. 李贝贝,张宏超,韩冰,陈军,倪晓武,陆建.圆锥边界附近激光空泡溃灭行为的研究.物理学报, 2012,61(17): 174210-174210. [SCI]

4. Bei-bei Li, Wei Jia, Hong-chao Zhang, Jian Lu. Investigation on the collapse

behavior of a cavitation bubble near a conical rigid boundary: Shock

Waves,(DOI) 10.1007/s00193-013-0482-3.[SCI]

5. Bei-bei Li, Hong-chao Zhang, Jian Lu, et al. The experimental criteria for

judging the maximum bubble radius of laser-iduced bubble in different ambient

pressures: proceedings of the Electronics and Optoelectronics (ICEOE), 2011

International Conference on, Dalian, Liaoning, China 29-31 July 2011,


6. 李贝贝,张宏超,倪晓武,陆建.不同环境压强下激光空泡溃灭射流的实验研究.激光技术, 2012,(06): 749-753.

7. Chen Jun,Li Beibei, Zhang Hongchao, et al. Enhancement of momentum coupling coefficient by cavity with toroidal bubble for underwater laser propulsion[J]. Journal Of Applied Physics, 2013,113(6).[ SCI]

8. Chen Jun,Li Beibei, Zhang Hongchao, et al. Propulsion of targets with different confinement geometries in water by Nd:YAG laser at 1064nm: proceedings of the High-Power Laser Materials Processing - Lasers, Beam Delivery, Diagnostics, and

Applications II, San Francisco, CA [C]. SPIE, 2013.[ ISTP]

9. Han Bing, Li BeiBei, Zhang Hongchao, et al. Numerical Investigation of Laser Propulsion for Transport in Water Environmen. International Symposium on High Power Laser Ablation 2010. 2010: 165-174. [ISTP]


1. 陆建、李贝贝、张宏超,空化泡最大泡半径的探测装置及其探测方法,申请号:201110247826.4,公开号:CN102322805A

2. 一种减震液压实验工作台架,第二发明人,申请号:201310259947.X,发明专利

3. 减震液压实验工作台架,第二发明人,申请号:20132037509.X,实用新型


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