戴剑博,博士,成人直播app 讲师。2020年4月于南京航空航天大学取得工学博士学位。2016年11月至2017年11月获得国家公派(CSC)资助赴美国密歇根大学联合培养一年。2020年5月起任职于成人直播app 成人直播app 。近5年以第一作者发表学术论文6篇(SCI收录期刊5篇)。期刊主要包括:Ceramics International,International Journal of Mechanical Sciences,Journal of Manufacturing Processes,Precision Engineering, International Journal of Advaced Manufacturing Technolgy。
[1]Jianbo Dai, Honghua Su, Hao Hu, Tengfei Yu, Wenbo Zhou, Wenfeng Ding, Shijun Ji,Yihao Zheng, The influence of grain geometry and wear conditions on the material removal mechanism in silicon carbide grinding with single grain. Ceramics International,2017,43:11973-11980.(SCI)
[2]Jianbo Dai, Honghua Su, Wenbo Zhou, Wenfeng Ding,Quanli Zhang, Yihao Zheng, Finite element implementation of the tension-shear coupled fracture criterion for numerical simulations of brittle-ductile transition in silicon carbide ceramic grinding, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2018, 146:211-220.(SCI)
[3]Jianbo Dai,Honghua Su, Wenbo Zhou, Quanli Zhang, Yihao Zheng, Experimental and Numerical investigation on the interference of diamond grains in double-grains grinding silicon carbide ceramics process,Journal of Manufacturing Processes,2019, 44:408-417.(SCI)
[4]Jianbo Dai, Honghua Su, Tengfei Yu, Hao Hu, Wenbo Zhou, Wenfeng Ding,Experimental investigation on materials removal mechanism during grinding silicon carbide ceramics with single diamond grain. Precision Engineering, 2018, 51:271-279.(SCI)
[5]Jianbo Dai, Wenfeng Ding, Liangchi Zhang, Jiuhua Xu, Honghua Su,Understanding the effects of grinding speed and undeformed chip thickness on the chip formation in high-speed grinding. International Journal of Advaced Manufacturing Technolgy, 2015, 81:995-1005.(SCI)
[6] Honghua Su,Jianbo Dai, Wenfeng Ding, Kun Zhang, Wang Xu, Experimental research on performance of monolayer brazed diamond wheel through a new precise dressing method-plate wheel dressing. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2016, 87:3249-3259.(SCI);
[7]戴剑博,苏宏华,周文博,于腾飞,单颗金刚石磨粒划擦多晶烧结碳化硅陶瓷试验研究,航空制造技术,2018, 61:52-56.(中文核心期刊)
[8] Wenbo Zhou, Honghua Su,Jianbo Dai, Tengfei Yu, Yihao Zheng, Numerical investigation on the influence of cutting-edge radius and grinding wheel speed on chip formation in SiC grinding, Ceramics International,2018,44(17):21451-21460.(SCI)
[9] Yang Wang, Honghua Su,Jianbo Dai, Shubao Yang, A novel finite element method for the wear analysis of cemented carbide tool during high speed cutting Ti6Al4V process, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2016, 87:3249-3259.(SCI)
[10] Yang Wang, Honghua Su, Gansen Lu,Jianbo Dai, Biao Zhao, Chenwei Dai, Yucan Fu, Quality prediction of plunger components based on the finite element method during the neck-spinning process, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology.(SCI)
1. 2018博士研究生国家奖学金;
2. 2018高效精密加工研究所“科研之星”
3. 2016留学基金委奖学金;
1.国家自然科学基金“基于化学机械效应的单层超硬磨料砂轮临界干涉修整技术基础研究”,No. 51275231,2015年4月至2016年12月,参与。
2.南京航空航天大学研究生创新基地开放基金资助项目“多颗磨粒磨削协同作用机理研究”,NO: kfjj20160522,2016年4月至2017年9月,主持。
4.校企合作项目“Coated Abrasive Polishing Of the Aluminium Alloy(Foxconn)”2016年11月至2017年10月,参与。
通讯地址:江苏省徐州市泉山区大学路1号成人直播app 南湖校区成人直播app B306