



时间 地点

人:Grzegorz M. Królczyk

报告名称:Surface metrology in industrial practice and the possibility of obtaining patent protection


报告地点:jitsi meet(线上),成人直播app B534(线下)

号://etele2.po.edu.pl/ann-vjy-y2e-pyr (通过浏览器直接加入即可)





Grzegorz Krolczyk is a Professor and Vice-Rector for Science and Development at Opole University of Technology. Author & co-author of 270 scientific publications (170 JCR papers), as well as nearly 30 studies and industrial applications. His H-Index is 47 (Scopus). Most of papers and industrials applications based on surface metrology and novel technology ideas in Industry. His main directions of scientific activity are analysis and improvement of manufacturing processes, surface metrology and surface engineering. His research focuses on sustainable manufacturing as a tool for the practical implementation of the concept of social responsibility in the area of machining. A member of several scientific organizations, including Member of the Machine Building Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences. In addition, he is a member of several editorial committees of scientific journals including Measurement and Measurement: Sensors. He participated in advisory and opinion forming bodies, including Advisory team of the Minister of Science and Higher Education. Co-author of four patent applications connected with Industry 4.0, awarded many times for scientific activities in Poland and in the world. Advisor to the CEO of the Polish Central Office of Measures and the Minister for Higher Education on matters related to the direction of metrology development in Poland. He gained practical experience in a manufacturing company that forms an integral part of a European holding, being responsible for the production of structural materials and plastic injection in the machining workshop. In 2011, he started work in an enterprise being a joint-stock company as a head of the production in a joint-stock company operating in the production of pressure equipment. While working in industry, He was responsible for contacts with other companies in technical matters, such as pricing or implementation of new products. In previous work he held the positions of Design and Technology Department Manager, Product Engineer, Production Manager and Production Director. Such a wide range of professional experience allowed he to implement production standards for such produce as peristaltic pumps, pump sprayers applied in spraying plant protection products and many pressure equipment working, among others, in chemical plants. As the Production Manager, he was responsible for implementing the innovative sprayer design suited for herbicides using the ULV method designed for application in the production and commissioning of the assembly line.


Every industrially controlled surface is characterized by some unevenness that occurs on it, and measurements of unevenness are often characterized by significant fluctuations in value. The number of currently used measurement techniques in surface metrology is so large that it can be a problem even for an experienced metrologist or quality controller. The topography of machined surfaces also has a large impact on the tribological properties of the surface, such as friction, wear, and also affects the tightness of contact joints, fatigue strength, thermal and electrical conductivity, stiffness and dynamics of connections, but also the appearance of the surface or the shape of the profile, which is often important when surface coating. In the understanding of mechanical engineering, surface irregularities are generated in an appropriate, defined way, and their features are fundamental to the functionality of the manufactured item. The presentation also touches on topics related to the possibility of obtaining patent protection in the area of surface metrology.